Horikoshi's comment regarding the 4th

"Hello everyone, I'm Kohei Horikoshi author of My Hero Academia. A 4th movie for MHA has just been confirmed! And that's thanks to your support, thank you so much! Bones and Toho are already working on new seasons of the anime nonstop, so I was really surprised when they told me there would be a new movie. I couldn't help but think back to my childhood, when a new Dragon Ball movie was released every year. Those made my so excited that I remember sitting in the movie theater with my heart racing like crazy. So I hope the new generation of kids around the world can enjoy this movie just as much as me back then! It'll take place after the War from season 6, meaning that the collapsed society will be the stage this time. After having been through so much and learning so many things, who will Deku and his friends fight against this time? What will they protect?! Look forward to it!